
The Pininfarina Wind Tunnel represents a state-of-the-art strategic tool for automotive OEMs to achieve high-level standards in vehicle performance, energy consumptions and overall comfort through aerodynamic and aeroacoustics testing and validation. 

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The Pininfarina Wind Tunnel supports the realization of aerodynamic vehicles sculpted by the wind. The Ground Effect Simulation System reproduces the real vehicle motion conditions, while the Turbulence Generation System, creates different conditions of controlled turbulence flow, as ambient wind, first phase and overtaking, and wind gust.

Ground Effect Simulation System

Through four rollers and three mats, one central and two placed in front of the front wheels (T-belt), the GESS system (Ground Effect Simulation System) allows the wheels of the car and the ground to move at the same wind speed. This system was developed to make the tunnel test conditions as faithful as possible to the road conditions, above all in order to be able to analyse the flows below the car, which in the case of soil and fixed wheels would be qualitatively different from the real ones.

Turbulence Generation System

Through a computerized system, it is possible to control the movement of five pairs of wings placed inside the nozzle to obtain different turbulence conditions in the test chamber. The TGS (Turbulence Generation System) allows simulating different atmospheric turbulence intensities by reproducing the Von Karman spectrum over the entire frequency range. It is also possible to simulate side wind gusts, driving conditions in the wake of another vehicle and overtaking.

The maximum wind speed, 250 kph

The moving ground (T-Belt) / Wheels drive system 250kph

Turbulence flow in laminar condition < 0.74%



Aeroacoustics tests are becoming a fundamental element to guarantee the maximum driving comfort, particularly for Hybrid and Battery Electrical vehicles. The Wind Tunnel is equipped with three external microphones array’s (Ceiling, Side and Front) and internal Sphera array with many cameras capable of measuring both internal and external noises, helping to identify the source of noise and consequent definition of countermeasures. Noise Vision and Beam Forming support results visualization. In addition, the structure is also equipped with four acoustic dummies for internal acoustic comfort evaluation.
